What Causes Irregular Periods?

Every woman has experienced the stress of a period having not shown up! Irregular periods mean that your period is arriving a little too early or late as compared to your usual cycle. There are many underlying factors that contribute to the occurrence of irregular periods and while most of the times there is nothing...

5 Pressure Points for Sleep: To treat insomnia

Overview Sleep is God. Go worship. Insomnia is a fairly common sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Having insomnia prevents many people from getting the seven to nine hours of sleep per night that experts recommend. Some people experience short periods of insomnia for a few days or weeks,...

Indian Diet Myths in Pregnancy

The day you get pregnant and even if you stay in a society where you might be staying alone with your husband, still as soon as pregnancy becomes a news, all your mother, mother in law, aunts and neighbors start talking about your diet, your clothes, how to sit, how to sleep, and a lot...

3 Tips to Reduce Your Cholesterol Level

There are 3 types of cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)  (bad cholesterol) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) (good cholesterol) and Very Low Density Lipoprotein ( VLDL) They all are part of lipid profile that are tested when a person is suspected for any heart ailment. The normal range of LDL cholesterol is < 200 mg/dl,...

Get Rid Of Headache – In a Ayurvedic way

According to Ayurveda, mostly, too much of heat generated in the body (or pitta) leads to headaches. In such situations, cooling the body down may help reduce the pain. Drink some buttermilk or tender coconut water; or try massaging some castor oil onto your scalp and the soles of your feet. You can then follow...